How to Manage Course Offering Details

How to Manage Course Offering Details

Course Offering Details

The course offering profile will be managed by the primary academic unit who owns it. 


Note: Information that is synced from an external source (e.g. SIMS) will be grayed out when editing the course details:

  • SIMS Course ID, SIMS Class Number, and CIP Code are grayed out since the information is synced with go.sfu.ca

  • CO ID is an internal identifier used for record tracking within eTRACS


How to Edit Course Offering Details

Course Offering Profiles that are Active will only be editable. Editing will be disabled for any courses that are set to Past or Archive (passed their end date). 


Changes to course description and course number should be done through the Course Profile. This will make descriptions consistent for future course offerings. Please check if these changes require Senate Approval before making modifications. Go here for instructions on how to edit course profile details.


  1. Navigate to the menu dropdown under Course Mgmt > Course Offerings.

  2. Select filters to narrow down your search by choosing options in the drop downs and click 

  3. Click the Course Offering Title to view Course Offering Details.

  4. Click to edit the information in Course Offering Details.

  5. After clicking , you can edit all information that is in a white box. 

  6. When you are done editing the information, you can click the  button to save your changes. If you do not want to save the information, you can click  and your changes will not save.


What's a Parent Section?

You will have the ability to set a course offering as the parent section. This will allow you to link course offering components together to easily identify related sections for a course. You will see this in the Linked Components section of the Offering Details tab. 



Fall 2019: CA 104 (3) E100 Music Fundamentals - Studio

In the course offering details tab, you will notice that Parent Section is marked 'Yes' for section CA 104 E100 Studio. With this indicator, you will be able to reference linked components which are the eight tutorials relating to that section. In the Linked Components section, if you click  for one of the tutorials, you will be redirected to the course offering details page for that offering. Notice that Parent Section is marked 'No'.


Evaluation Required and Type

This information displays whether the course offering requires a course evaluation. Changes to the evaluation type will be done in the Course Evaluations module under Course Management to review and prepare courses that require an evaluation.

Enrollment Summary

The enrollment numbers are synced with SIMS. To obtain live enrollment numbers from go.sfu.ca, click on . To check when the enrollment summary was last updated, you can find the date and time at the bottom of the table. This function can also be found in the Course Planner. 

Linked Components

This section displays all the components that are related to the same parent section (see Parent Section example above). The feature to add components to the parent section will be a future feature. We are using data from SIMS to determine the linked components.