How to Manage Course Offering Instructor Details

How to Manage Course Offering Instructor Details


Assigning instructors to course offerings are to be done primarily in the Course Planner; however, if the instructor's rank, workload value, or part of load need to modified, going directly to the course offering profile in the Instructors tab will allow you to do this all in one place. You will be able to remove and add instructors just like in the Course Planner. 

Instructor Assignment

  1. In the Course Offering Profile Details, click on Instructors tab.

  2. Select

  3. Search for the instructor in the Internal Instructors Search or All Stakeholders Search. Please refer below at 'Searching for the Instructor' for more details.

  4. Once you have found the correct instructor, click on their name. You may assign more than one instructor. The individual's TTR will display if they have a pattern.

  5. After the instructor's name displays under Instructor Assignment, click .

  6. If the instructor is on overload, a rank selection modal will display to confirm which rank should be assigned. 

  7. Once the course is assigned, the course will appear in the individual's TTR and the instructor will also be updated in the Course Planner.


Searching for the Instructor

Internal Instructors Search

This search displays previous instructors who have taught the selected course and all individuals with an assigned rank within your faculty. Often times, the instructors will be assigned to teach the same course(s). The Internal Instructors Search allows you to quickly locate these instructors by providing a 'Previous Instructors' list at the top of the search drop down. For future employees who have not yet been assigned to a rank or instructors that fall outside of your AU, please use the All Stakeholders Search. 

All Stakeholders Search

This search contains all stakeholders within the eTRACS system. It will allow you to assign a course to future employees who do not have a rank and academic unit assigned. The future employee must have a stakeholder profile created in eTRACS before you are able to search for this person. If the individual is not found, please contact your Stakeholder Manager to set up the profile for you. Future employees with no rank will be given a TBA rank when they are assigned to the course. The rank can be later changed in their stakeholder profile once their contract has been confirmed. 


Instructors Modification

In this section, you will be able to choose from any relevant ranks that fall under the same time frame as the course offering profile. If the instructor has a rank outside of the academic unit of the course offering, the rank will be set as TBA. You will need to speak to the Stakeholder Manager to modify the rank in the Rank Details section of the stakeholder profile. 

Part of Load and Workload Value will affect the teaching workload calculation in the TTR. Please see TTR documentation on more detail about how Part of Load affects the TTR.


Part of Load

  • 'Yes' means that the course assigned to the instructor will count towards the teaching workload

  • 'No' means that the course assigned to the instructor will not count towards the teaching workload

  • 'On Overload' means that the course assigned to the instructor is tied to an overload teaching contract