What is eTRACS?

What is eTRACS?

Integrated Faculty Management

Enterprise TRACS (Teaching Research and Collaboration System) is a platform designed to integrate all Faculties under a single application in order to enable our Faculties to become more operationally efficient, service responsive and data driven in their decision making.

About eTRACS

SFU has made a significant commitment to a project called eTRACS that will modernize faculty administrative and business processes, and integrate data from other SFU systems into eTRACS. It is a platform that will create operational efficiencies, data security and strengthen business intelligence, which will benefit staff and faculty across all Faculties and Faculty Relations.

Project Team

In 2018, SFU created a new department to support the eTRACS initiative called Academic Management Systems (AMS). This unit reports to the Office of the CIO and collaborates with other IT Services teams to ensure integration with other SFU systems and the overall One I.S. Vision.

Upcoming Events

Faculty Administrators and staff are all welcome to attend the eTRACS demonstrations called ‘Sprint Reviews’ that take place every 2-4 weeks. These meetings are intended to provide users with a preview of the system features in development and to provide feedback to the project team. To find out when and where the next Sprint Review demonstration will be held, email gis1@sfu.ca. 


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