eTRACS Account Management

eTRACS Account Management

eTRACS is a web application that does not require special software installation on your computer in order to gain access. You must have internet access as eTRACS is web-based software.

To access eTRACS, you must:

  • Have a valid computing ID

  • Be a current employee

  • Have confirmed a role within the system

Supported Browsers:

Google Chrome, FireFox, and Safari. If your browser is outdated, check with your local IT team for help on upgrading your browser version.

Central Authentication System (CAS) Login

  1. Go to tracs.sfu.ca. If you are not already logged into the Central Authentication System (CAS), you will be directed to the CAS login screen.

  2. Enter your personal CAS credentials. If you are currently logged in CAS with a sponsored account, log out and log back in with personal credentials.

What to Do If You Get a Login Error?

New/Updated Agreements

If this is your first time logging into eTRACS, you will need to review and digitally sign off the General Privacy & Confidentiality and Collection Notice agreements before entering the system. 

If an agreement has a content update or new terms, you will be prompted on your next login to review and digitally check off the new agreement. Privacy is an overarching institutional responsibility shared by all at the University. Staff and faculty should protect personal and confidential information from unauthorized access and unintended destruction (e.g. locked filing cabinets, password protection, fully encrypted laptops and USB memory sticks). A primary mandate for eTRACS is creating security measures appropriate for the information protected to minimize the possibility of unauthorized access as much as we reasonably can.

General Privacy and Confidentiality

This agreement is the standard agreement signed by all personnel and employees at the time of hire. This system agreement is a reminder that you will be interacting with both public and private data related to people.

  1. Ensure you read the information on the privacy agreement carefully.

  2. If you understand and agree, click the empty box next to 'I understand and agree to the terms as laid out in the above policy'.

  3. Click 'Next'.

Collection Notice

This agreement is a notice that any information collected in the system is done so under the Authority of the University Act. Any personal information entered can be used by the university for administration, operations, and reporting purposes. 

  1. Ensure you read the information on the collection notice carefully.

  2. If you understand and agree, click the empty box next to  'I understand and agree to the terms as laid out in the above policy'.

  3. Click 'Next'.

If you do not click the checkbox, the 'Next' button will not become active. If you do not agree to the above agreement, please contact your Director of Administration to discuss further your role and responsibility within eTRACS.


Once the General Privacy and Confidentiality Agreement and Collection Notice have been digitally signed, you will be taken to the eTRACS dashboard page.

If this is your first time logging in, complete your eTRACS stakeholder profile by clicking on the profile icon in the top-right corner  and then click on 'Profile'. Proceed to Training Modules to learn how to use the different modules. Please note that you will only be granted access to modules that are required in your job. 


If you have trouble accessing a page, please visit here

Log Out

To log out of eTRACS, click on the profile icon in the top-right corner  and then click on 'Logout'.

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