goSFU Course Data Upload

goSFU Course Data Upload


The goSFU Course Data Upload page is for publishing course offerings, combined sections, instructors, schedules, class notes, and enrollment control and reserve cap from the Course Planner and Course Scheduler to goSFU. This page is split into multiple worksheets, so that you can publish course data when you are ready. For example, you can publish schedules without publishing class notes. Faculties and departments with access to publish data to goSFU should commit to only using eTRACS to plan their data. 


In the following section, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Understand the components that make up the goSFU Course Data Upload

  • How to upload data to goSFU

  • Common publish data results messages and how to resolve it

How to Navigate the goSFU Course Data Upload


The filter contains a new field: Worksheets. This field allows you to filter for Course Offerings, Combined Sections, Instructors, Schedules, Class Notes, and Enrollment Control and Reserve Cap. The Worksheets, Terms, and Faculties fields must be completed at a minimum. The default option for Worksheets is Course Offerings. The default option for Term is the current semester + 1. Faculties will be pre-set according to the academic unit of the user. Other fields can also be used to narrow down the results.





Specifies the worksheet that will appear in the search results. The default is the Course Offerings worksheet.


Specifies the Term that will appear in the search results. By default, the term will display the current semester + 1.



Displays all courses that are attached to faculty as a primary or non-primary academic unit. If you do not see a particular course filtered under an academic unit, you may need to speak to the Course Manager to ensure if the course profile is attached to the correct academic unit.


Narrows down courses by academic subplan. Offerings must first be tagged with the subplan in order for them to show up under this filter selection.

Academic Careers

Narrows down courses by academic career (undergraduate, graduate, other, non-university/non-degree). This tag is based on the academic career attached to the course profile.

Course Levels

Narrows down courses by course level.

Course Divisions

Narrows down courses by course division (lower division, upper division, graduate). This tag is based on the course division attached to the course profile.

Course Numbers

Start typing the course number to see available options. This tag is based on the course number attached to the course profile. You may search and select more than one option to filter. 

Course Sections

Start typing the course section to see available options. This tag is based on the course section attached to the course offering profile. You may search and select more than one option to filter.

Section Groups

Narrows down courses by section group (primary sections, non-primary sections).

Component Types

Narrows down courses by component type.


Narrows down courses by the campus they are offered at. This tag is based on the campus attached to the course profile.


Narrows down courses by location. This tag is based on the campus attached to the course profile.


Start typing the instructor's name or employee ID to see available options. You may search and select more than one option to filter.

Employment Groups

Narrows down courses by the employment group.

Search Results

Columns in Search Results

While some columns appear in all search results, some will generate according to the selected worksheet:

  • The left-most column contains  boxes. By default, all courses will be pre-selected for you. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it. After you publish the course data, it will instead be a publishing badge. You can find more information on publishing badges below.

  • The second left-most column is the Course Offering Title. When you click on a row, a sliding side panel will appear that shows all the data that belongs to the course offering. If a certain group of data is not available, the section will not appear in the sliding side panel. For instance, if no schedule has been assigned yet, the Meeting Patterns and Class Notes sections will not be on the sliding side panel. Combined sections will appear in multiple rows in the search results.

  •  In the Course Offering Title column, every course offering that is combined will appear in a list below the Course Offering Title.

  • The third left-most column is Section.

  • The right-most column will be Publish Status.

  • The rest of the columns will be dependent on the worksheet.


On the right of the Publish Status column, you can use the Columns button to deselect and select columns that appear in the search results.


Publishing Badges

Publishing badges indicate the status of the publishing of the course data to goSFU. If you hover over the badge, it will tell you the publishing status. 


Publishing Badges


Course Offering needs to be published first



In Progress*

Schedule has an existing conflict

Missing Course ID


* If the publishing badge remains as  for a long duration of time on the Schedules worksheet, click  to learn why.  

Deletion Badge

If the course offering is deleted after being published, in the Section column, you will see . If the course offering schedule is deleted after being published, in the Schedules column of the Course Offerings worksheet, you will see . Unpublished data appears on the top rows and the published data appears on the bottom rows of the search results. 

How to Use the goSFU Course Data Upload

Course Offerings

  1. Select 'Course Offerings' in the Worksheets field of the filter. 

  2. Complete the other fields and click .

  3. By default, all courses will be pre-selected for you. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it. 

  4. Click .

  5. In the confirmation box, click .

  6. In the results box, review the status.

    1. If there is an issue, the status will explain why the data could not be published to goSFU. Make any necessary changes in the Course Planner, Course Scheduler, or Course Offering Profile.

    2. If there is no issue, the status will read, "Successfully published to goSFU."

  7. In the results box, click .


Course Offerings needs to be published prior to the other worksheets.


Combined Sections

  1. Select 'Combined Sections' in the Worksheets field of the filter.

  2. Complete the other fields and click .

  3. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it.

  4. Click .

  5. In the confirmation box, click .

  6. In the results box, review the status.

    1. If there is an issue, the status will explain why the data could not be published to goSFU.

    2. If there is no issue, the status will read, "Successfully published to goSFU."

  7. In the results box, click .


  1. Select 'Instructors' in the Worksheets field of the filter.

  2. Complete the other fields and click .

  3. By default, all courses will be pre-selected for you. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it. 

  4. Click .

  5. In the confirmation box, click .

  6. In the results box, review the status.

    1. If there is an issue, the status will explain why the data could not be published to goSFU.

    2. If there is no issue, the status will read, "Successfully published to goSFU."

  7. In the results box, click .


  1. Select 'Schedules' in the Worksheets field of the filter.

  2. Complete the other fields and click .

  3. By default, all courses will be pre-selected for you. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it. 

  4. Click .

  5. In the confirmation box, click .

  6. In the results box, review the status.

    1. If there is an issue, the status will explain why the data could not be published to goSFU.

    2. If there is no issue, the status will read, "Successfully published to goSFU."

  7. In the results box, click .

Class Notes

  1. Select 'Class Notes' in the Worksheets field of the filter.

  2. Complete the other fields and click .

  3. By default, all courses will be pre-selected for you. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it. 

  4. Click .

  5. In the confirmation box, click .

  6. In the results box, review the status.

    1. If there is an issue, the status will explain why the data could not be published to goSFU.

    2. If there is no issue, the status will read, "Successfully published to goSFU."

  7. In the results box, click .

Enrollment Control and Reserve Cap

  1. Select 'Enrollment Control and Reserve Cap' in the Worksheets field of the filter.

  2. Complete the other fields and click .

  3. By default, all courses will be pre-selected for you. Click the  box beside the Course Offering Title column to select or de-select all offerings. Click the  box beside an offering to select or de-select it. 

  4. Click .

  5. In the confirmation box, click .

  6. In the results box, review the status.

    1. If there is an issue, the status will explain why the data could not be published to goSFU.

    2. If there is no issue, the status will read, "Successfully published to goSFU."

  7. In the results box, click .

Revising Published Course Data

  1. Make the necessary changes in the Course PlannerCourse Scheduler, or Course Offering Profile.

  2. Follow the instructions above for the worksheet that you would like to publish revised course data.

Deleting Published Course Data

Deleting All Published Data

Complete instructions in the Course Planner. Alternatively, you can delete the Course Offering Profile. In the Section column of the Course Offerings worksheet on the goSFU Course Data Upload, you will see  if the deletion is successful.

Deleting Schedules Data

Complete instructions in the Course Scheduler. In the Schedules column of the Course Offerings worksheet on the goSFU Course Data Upload, you will see  if the deletion is successful.

Common Publish Data Results Messages

When you are in the process of publishing course data, you will encounter the results box, which displays each course offering's publish data results. Please refer below to see descriptions of common publish data results messages:


Publish Data Results Messages


Successfully published to goSFU.

The course data was successfully published to goSFU. No further action is required from you.

Cannot publish new data that already exists in goSFU.

Error. As the Course Offering already exists on goSFU, delete the duplicate off of goSFU.

Component Type is not valid for this Course Offering.

Error. Component type of the section published is not tied to course catalog in goSFU.


  1. Go into Course Offering Profile, Course Planner, or Course Scheduler

  2. Select the component type that is tied to course catalog in goSFU.

  3. Publish the section

  4. Update back to the component you originally wished to tie in eTRACS

  5. Ask scheduling team to update the component type for that section in goSFU

Permanent fix:

Contact scheduling team to add the component to the course catalog. The component needs to be added into the selectable option list in Maintain Classes screen in goSFU.

Course is not available in goSFU. The term may not be open yet for new offerings.

Error. Wait for the CTBO Open Date on Planning Dates Management.

Course Component: xxx for Class Section: xxx is invalid. Error saving Component Interface.

Please raise a help desk ticket and include the course subject, course number, section, and term into the ticket for faster response.


If you are not able to identify the issue after reading the publish data results message, please submit a ticket to our Help Desk: https://sfu.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/255/ITServices/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=2400.

How to Find the goSFU Course Data Upload

Course Scheduling can be located with the following steps:

  • Navigate to the menu dropdown under Course Mgmt > Course Management

  • Select goSFU Course Data Upload


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