Components Management
The Components Management page allows you to set up non-primary components and bulk create components such as tutorials, labs, and open labs. The primary component needs to be set up in the Course Planner prior to setting up the non-primary components using this page. Afterwards, the course offering schedule can be set up on the Course Scheduler and course data be uploaded to goSFU using goSFU Course Data Upload.
In the following section, you will learn how to do the following:
Understand the components that make up the Components Management
How to add, edit, and delete non-primary components
How to Navigate the Components Management
The filter contains nine fields: Terms, Faculties, Schools/Departments/Programs, Subplans, Subjects, Course Numbers, Course Levels, Academic Careers, and Record Statuses. the Terms field is pre-set to the current semester + 1. Record Statuses is pre-set to include Active, Past, and Future. Terms, Faculties, and Record Statuses needs to be completed at a minimum. Other fields can also be completed to narrow down the results.
Filter | Function |
Terms | Specifies the term that will appear in the search results. By default, it is pre-set to the current semester + 1. |
Faculties Schools/Departments/Programs | Displays all courses that are attached to faculty as a primary or non-primary academic unit. If you do not see a particular course filtered under an academic unit, you may need to speak to the Course Manager to ensure if the course profile is attached to the correct academic unit. |
Subplans | Narrows down courses by academic subplan. Offerings must first be tagged with the subplan in order for them to show up under this filter selection. |
Subjects | Narrows down courses by subject. This tag is based on the subject attached to the course profile. You can narrow down the Subjects drop-down by selecting a Faculty or Schools/Departments/Programs filter first. |
Course Numbers | Start typing the course number to see available options. This tag is based on the course number attached to the course profile. You may search and select more than one option to filter. |
Course Levels | Narrows down courses by course level. |
Academic Careers | Narrows down courses by academic career (undergraduate, graduate, other, non-university/non-degree). This tag is based on the academic career attached to the course profile. |
Record Statuses | Narrows down courses by record status (active, past, future). |
Search Results
The table generates with rows listing out primary components set up in the Course Planner. You can learn how to set up primary components at How to Use the Course Planner .
In the Course Name column, you can click on the row to view the Course Offering Profile. Combined sections will appear in multiple rows. In the Course Name column, every course offering that is combined will appear in a list below the primary component's Course Name.
In the Instructor(s) column, instructors will only show in the primary component. It will not show in the non-primary components. For Course Offerings with more than one instructor, the instructor set as the Primary Instructor will appear in bold above any other instructors.
After adding non-primary components, which can be done by following the instructions below, to the left of the primary component's Course Name, you will see and a number beside it. allows for you to expand and hide the non-primary components, which appear under their respective primary component. The number to the right of it indicates the number of non-primary components under the primary component.
In the Actions column, will appear in primary component rows, with and appearing in non-primary component rows. Course Offerings without non-primary components will appear above those with primary components.
You can set up non-primary components in bulk by filling in the number of sections that you would like to create in the # of Sections to Create field in the Add Components modal.
How to Use the Components Management
Add Component(s)
Select the options in the filter. Click .
In the right-most column of the primary component, Actions, click .
In the Add Components modal, fill in the # of Sections to Create, Component Type, and Max Enrollment. Furthermore, adjust Delivery Mode, Campus, and Location if necessary. If there is more than one component type, click .
Click .
Edit Component(s)
Select the options in the filter. Click .
In the right-most column of the non-primary component, Actions, click .
Edit the applicable fields in the Course Offering modal.
Click .
Delete Component(s)
Select the options in the filter. Click .
In the right-most column of the non-primary component, Actions, click .
Confirm that you want to delete in the confirmation box by clicking .
How to Find the Components Management
Course Scheduling can be located with the following steps:
Navigate to the menu dropdown under Course Mgmt > Course Management
Select Components Management
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