Understanding Course Management

Understanding Course Management


Course management is the process of course planning and instructor assignment. This process is typically completed on a rolling 2-year term in compliance with the SFUFA Collective Agreement.


The Course Management module contains all the pages that cover course planning, course scheduling, and instructor workload management. It also includes the capability to compare and upload data to SIMS for data integrity purposes. The module requires the Stakeholder Profile, Teaching Pattern and Course Profile to be completed for instructor assignment in the Course Planner. The purpose of this module is to manage course profiles, course offerings, instructor availability, and scheduling of courses.


Table 1: Completion Order

User Roles

The Course Management module has three primary roles: Manager, Academic Administrator and Viewer. The Manager role can edit and add new course profiles, manage course offerings and components and use the Course Planner and Course Scheduler. The Academic Administrator role is given to academic appointments, such as Chairs and Deans. Users can also set Faculty or Department level lockdown dates through Planning Dates Management. While the Manager, Academic Administrator and Viewer role can go into the module, their view is limited to their respective Faculty. Viewers will not be able to edit information.


Table 2: User Responsibilities

Course Management Process


Step 1:

Faculty or Department should review and, if necessary, update the Stakeholder Profiles, Teaching Patterns and Course Profiles

Step 2:

eTRACS Administrators set timeline on Planning Dates Management

Step 3:

User has the capability to specify on the Faculty or Department level for Course Planner and Course Scheduler lockdown dates on Planning Dates Management:

  • eTRACS Course Planner Term Lock Date

  • eTRACS Course Scheduler Term Lock Date

Step 4:

Faculty or Department should complete the following worksheets:

  • Course Planner

  • Components Management

  • Course Scheduler

Step 5:

Prior to set deadlines, Faculty or Department can publish data to SIMS using goSFU Course Data Upload


Additionally, Faculty and Department are also responsible for ensuring data integrity through identifying discrepancies using the Comparison Report and then manually correcting it.  

How to Navigate to Course Management

  • Navigate to the menu drop down under Course Mgmt

  • Select one of the following options


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