Salary Recovery

Salary Recovery


The purpose of the Salary Recovery page is to track and add salary recoveries for the planned course offerings. This includes the scenario where an instructor is paid by the faculty and the faculty later receives a recovery payment. An example of this is when an instructor is externally funded, but the faculty pays for the instructor first, and later, the faculty is paid back. This worksheet is optional and requires the prior completion of the TI Budget Worksheet. After finalizing this worksheet and the TI Budget Worksheet and TA/TM Budget Worksheet, the information can be reviewed in the Budget Summary.


In the following section, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Understand the components that make up the Salary Recovery Worksheet

  • How to use the Salary Recovery Worksheet

How to Navigate the Salary Recovery

The Salary Recovery page contains a filter and results table. The filter narrows down the recovery lines based on the fiscal year, faculty and schools/departments/programs. The results table lists out the salary recoveries for all course offerings.


The filter contains three fields: Fiscal Years, Faculties and Schools/Departments/Programs. The fiscal year will be pre-set to the current period. Faculties will be pre-set according to the user. One or more options may be selected for Schools/Departments/Programs.

Results Table

The results table contains the salary recovery lines for all courses. While the white fields cannot be edited on this worksheet, the blue fields are editable. If there is a need to change Funding Source or Calculated Salary $ fields, it can be done through the TI Budget Worksheet. Blue fields are editable by clicking on it. The total expected salary recovery will be listed at the very first row in the Expected Recovery $ column.

How to Use the Salary Recovery

Option #1

From the TI Budget Worksheet, when users selects 'Yes' for Has Recovery, then this will populate a row in the Salary Recovery page. However, the users will still need to enter the expected recovery amount. Please refer below for an example. 


Note: the columns highlighted in blue may be edited and the fields become red after being edited.


Option #2

  1. Click .

  2. Select the Fiscal Year and Academic Unit.

  3. Write down the Description and Expected Amount.

  4. Click .


Users will use this method if courses are not tracked under the Course Planner. For example, some courses from Fraser International College (FIC) are not displayed in the Course Planner. As a result, the user will need to manually enter the salary recovery amount if the faculty expects a recovery payment for a certain FIC course.

How to Find the Salary Recovery

  • Head to the menu drop down under Budget Mgmt > TI/TA Budget Planner

  • Select Salary Recovery



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