TA/TM Budget Worksheet

TA/TM Budget Worksheet


The purpose of the TA/TM Budget Worksheet is to allow departments to determine what course offerings require TA/TM support and allocate base unit cost using a blended TA rate. This page requires the user to first complete the Course Planner.  After finalizing this worksheet and the TI Budget Worksheet and Salary Recovery Worksheet, the information can be reviewed in the Budget Summary.


In the following section, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Understand the components that make up the TA/TM Budget Worksheet

  • How to use the TA/TM Budget Worksheet

How to Navigate the TA/TM Budget Worksheet

The TA/TM Budget Worksheet page is composed of a filter, statistic cards, lockdown date(s) and results table. The filter allows the user to specify the data that appears on the statistic cards and results table based on the department, faculty and fiscal year. The statistic cards provide a brief overview of the budget for each department or faculty. The results table allows the user to mark courses as requiring or not requiring TA/TM support and the shows the resulting TA/TM budget.


The filter includes the Fiscal Years, Faculties and Schools/Departments/Programs fields. The fiscal year is pre-set to the current period. Faculties will be pre-set according to the user. One or more schools, departments and programs may be selected together.

Statistic Cards


The statistic cards provide information on the total allocated amount, total TI budget, total TA/TM budget, total TI/TA budget and remaining budget for the department or faculty. The total allocated amount is from the budget allocation page. The total TI budget is from the TI Budget Worksheet page. The total TA/TM budget is the sum of the calculated salary on the results table in this page. The total TI/TA Budget is the sum of the total TI budget and total TA/TM budget. The remaining budget is calculated by deducting total TI/TA budget from total allocated amount.

Lockdown Date(s)

The lockdown date(s) from the Budget Lock Dates Setup page will be located here. If there is a lockdown date set on the department and faculty level, the department lockdown date will override the faculty lockdown date. After the lockdown date, this page will not be editable by users in Manager roles. The Hyperion lockdown date will also appear here. After this lockdown date, this page will not be editable for all users.

Results Table

The results table allows users to sort course offerings into those that require TA/TM support and those that do not require TA/TM support. The level of support is shown through the course offerings inclusion in one of two sections: Requiring TA/TM or Not Requiring. By default, all course offerings are marked as not needing TA/TM support. Course offerings can be moved between the sections. By completing the instructions in this section below, the table will calculate the TA/TM budget.

Editable Fields



Projected Enrolment

Enrolment numbers are crucial in budget planning because this is a factor that makes the budget go up or down.

No. of Tutorials Sections

The number of tutorial sections. Increasing or decreasing this number will affect salary.

TA/TM Type

Specify whether the assignment is TA or TM.

No. of TAs

The number of TAs for that offering. Increasing or decreasing the number of TAs will affect salary amount.

Est. Base Units 

The total estimated base units for that offering. Increasing or decreasing estimated base units will affect salary amount.


User may put a note for that row.

 Note: the columns highlighted in blue may be edited and the fields become red after being edited.

How to Use the TA/TM Budget Worksheet

  1. Select the options in the filter. Click .

  2. Click on  to expand the Not Requiring TA/TM section.

  3. Click the course offering(s) on and click  to move the offering to the Requiring TA/TM section.

  4. If course offering(s) in the Requiring TA/TM section do not require TA/TM support, select course offering(s) by clicking on  and then clicking .

  5. Optionally fill in the # of Tutorial Sections, TA/TM Type and # of TAs fields.

  6. Complete # of TAs and Est. Base Units fields.

  7. If you want to export the data to excel, click the  button.

How to Find the TA/TM Budget Worksheet

  • Head to the menu drop down under Budget Mgmt > TI/TA Budget Planner

  • Select TA/TM Budget Worksheet



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