Workload Reduction

Workload Reduction


Teaching patterns are often static, however changes to teaching workload are sometimes necessary. Faculty members may have done work outside of teaching that counts as equivalent to teaching a course. According to the Collective Agreement, the Teaching Faculty is granted one term off for every 9 terms taught. Senior Lecturers and University Lecturers will also be given a course equivalent reduction in their workload for developmental activities outside of their teaching responsibilities. This course equivalent workload reduction credit will be taken every 16 courses taught for Senior Lecturers and every 8 courses for University Lecturers.


Before applying any workload reduction transactions, you must first set up the TTR pattern (dragging 's and 's) and review/modify the Transaction Value for each pattern element in the transaction table. These transaction values will be used to automatically calculate the workload for each term when a workload reduction code is applied. For example, the  code will automatically reduce the workload equivalent to the teaching transaction value in the semester that the 1 in 9 is taken. Click here for instructions on how to modify the Transaction Value for Teaching (T) and Research (R) pattern elements in the transaction table.


Buyout (B)

Faculty members may "buy out" teaching responsibilities when the source of funds is an external research grant or contract. Applying a buyout will reduce the standard annual teaching workload. If you hover over the badge, you can see the administrative note of what the buyout was given for. The following table shows how the Buyouts affects the teaching workload: 


Code Abbrev.



Teaching Workload





When a buyout is taken, standard annual teaching workload is reduced.

How to Apply a Buyout

  1. Click and drag the code into the term when the buyout is being applied.

  2. In the TTR profile page, scroll down to the transactions table. Click the Workload Reduction tab.

  3. In the transaction table, a new row will appear indicating the buyout has been 'taken' from Teaching Value

  4. The default Teaching Value is equal to 1. You may edit this value if required. The modified value will display in brackets next to the Buyout badge (e.g. )

  5. Feel free to add notes in the Notes section for future reference. The notes will also be visible when you hover over the badge in the TTR.

Course Equivalency (CE)

Faculty members may teach or supervise courses that are not normally part of their teaching workload. This work may be counted as a Course Equivalency that will lower their standard annual teaching workload. If you hover over the badge, you can see the administrative note of what the course equivalency was given for. The following table shows how the Course Equivalency affects the teaching workload: 


Code Abbrev.



Teaching Workload


Course Equivalency



When a course equivalency is being taken, standard annual teaching workload is reduced.

How to Apply a Course Equivalency

  1. Click and drag the code into the term when the course equivalency is being applied. 

  2. In the TTR profile page, scroll down to the transactions table. Click the Workload Reduction tab.

  3. In the transaction table, a new row will appear indicating the course equivalency has been 'taken' from Teaching Value.

  4. The default Teaching Value is equal to 1. You may edit this value if required. The modified value will display in brackets next to the Course Equivalency badge (e.g. )

  5. Feel free to add notes in the Notes section for future reference. The notes will also be visible when you hover over the badge in the TTR.

Course Release (CR)

Course releases are sometimes given at the beginning of an appointment or for special administrative duties (e.g. Associate Dean, TPC Chair, Special Professorship, Area Coordinator, Academic Directors). To track this, we use the course release feature. The Policy & Academic Affairs Analyst enters this information and when a course release is ‘given’, the total number appears in the top right corner under Total Course Releases. When ‘taken’, the bank number goes down and the term “Course Release” in a yellow badge will appear in the term you are taking your release. If you hover over your course release, you can see the administrative note of what the course release was given for. The following table shows how the Course Releases affect the Total Course Releases count and teaching workload: 


Code Abbrev.



Teaching Workload

Total Course Releases


Course Release




When a course release is given to an instructor, the course release credit will increase and will allow the instructor to use it in the future to reduce teaching workload.


Course Release




When a course release is being taken, standard annual teaching workload is reduced.

How to Apply a Course Release

  1. Click and drag the code into the term when the course release is 'given'. No visual changes will be applied on TTR.

  2. In the TTR profile page, scroll down to the transactions table. Click the Workload Reduction tab. 

  3. In the transaction table, a new row will display the Course Release transaction with Action = Given to the Course Release Value

  4. Edit the start and end term so that it matches the dates of the instructor's academic administrative appointment. Please specify the academic administrative appointment in the Notes section that corresponds with the course release. 

  5. The default Course Release Value is equal to 1. You may edit this value to the specified number of course releases as negotiated. 

  6. When the instructor decides to 'take' a course release, find the correct Course Release transaction by looking at the start/end term and notes specifying the admin appointment.

  7. After you have ensured it is the correct Course Release, click .

  8. Once you have clicked the , a new row will display with Balance Action = Taken.

    1. Change the Start Term to the term that the Course Release is desired to be used. 

    2. Modify the Course Release Value to specify the amount of Course Release being used. The transaction value will be deducted from the Total Course Releases to indicate that this course has now been 'taken'.


When the Course Release has been 'taken':

  • It is important that you change the start term first before changing the Transaction Value. If the start term of the Course Release is not within the range of the terms filtered on the TTR profile, the transaction row will disappear once the 'taken' course release fulfills the total transaction value.

  • If the instructor does not take the full transaction value of the Course Release, the system will allow you to 'take' multiple course releases until it fulfills the total transaction value that was 'given'. Modify the Course Release Value to specify the amount of Course Release being used. The transaction value will be deducted from the Total Course Releases to indicate that this course has now been 'taken'.


  1. Feel free to add notes in the Notes section for future reference. The notes of the Taken Course Release will be visible when you hover over the badge in the TTR.

1-in-9 for Teaching Faculty

One semester in nine is a non-teaching semester for members in the Teaching Faculty. This includes Lecturers, Laboratory Instructors, Senior Lecturers, and University Lecturers. This code is used to track when the faculty member decides to take one semester off out of their nine teaching terms. This teaching semester is one in which at least two regular courses (or their equivalent) would have been normally taught. Faculty members may keep accumulating 1 in 9 credits if they do not take a semester off after nine teaching terms. The teaching workload deducted from taking a 1 in 9 term will be equivalent to the teaching value of the  in that term.


Code Abbrev.



Teaching Workload

Total 1 in 9 Value


1 in 9




Reduces the standard annual teaching workload by the planned teaching workload of the term. 

How to Apply a 1 in 9 Credit

Please ensure to have inputted in your 's and review/modify the Teaching Value for each pattern element in the transaction table. The 1 in 9 code will automatically reduce the workload equivalent to the teaching transaction value in the semester that the 1 in 9 is taken. 

  1. Click and drag the code into the term when 1 in 9 workload reduction is applied.

  2. In the TTR profile page, scroll down to the transactions table. Click the Workload Reduction tab.

  3. In the transaction table, a new row will appear indicating the 1 in 9 credit has been 'taken'. 


When 1 in 9 credit is taken:

  • If the Process Status is Requested, the Total 1 in 9 Value in the summary card will not change.

  • For planning purposes, the teaching workload injected by Pattern Even in the TTR will immediately be deducted from the teaching value corresponding to the 1 in 9 term.

  • Once the process status has been changed to Approved, the Total 1 in 9 Value in the summary will change. In the transaction table, a new row will appear indicating the 1 in 9 credit has been 'taken'. 

  1. Once the 1 in 9 has been approved, change the Process Status to 'Approved'. 

  2. Feel free to add notes in the Notes section for future reference. The notes will also be visible when you hover over the badge in the TTR.

1 in 16 for Senior Lecturers

For Senior Lecturers, one course equivalent in 16 terms will be reduced from their workload to develop new learning activities, refine curriculum, and/or engage in other activities. 


Code Abbrev.



Teaching Workload

Total 1 in 9 Value


1 in 16




Reduces the standard annual teaching workload by the planned teaching workload of the term.

How to Apply a 1 in 16 

  1. Click and drag the code into the term when 1 in 16 workload reduction is applied.

  2. In the TTR profile page, scroll down to the transactions table. Click the Workload Reduction tab.

  3. In the transaction table, a new row will appear indicating the 1 in 16 workload reduction has been 'taken'. 

  4. The default Teaching Value is equal to 1. If required, you may edit this value. The modified value will display in brackets next to the 1 in 16 badge (e.g. )

  5. Feel free to add notes in the Notes section for future reference. The notes will also be visible when you hover over the  badge in the TTR.

1 in 8 for University Lecturers

For University Lecturers, at least one course equivalent in 8 terms will reduced from their workload to develop new learning activities, refine or development curriculum, provide educational leadership or teaching mentorship, and/or engage in other activities. 


Code Abbrev.



Teaching Workload

Total 1 in 9 Value


1 in 8 




Reduces the standard annual teaching workload by the planned teaching workload of the term. 

How to Apply a 1 in 8

  1. Click and drag the code into the term when the 1 in 8 workload reduction is applied.

  2. In the TTR profile page, scroll down to the transactions table. Click the Workload Reduction tab.

  3. In the transaction table, a new row will appear indicating the 1 in 8 credit has been 'taken'. 

  4. The default Teaching Value is equal to 1. If required, you may edit this value. The modified value will display in brackets next to the 1 in 8 badge (e.g. )

  5. Feel free to add notes in the Notes section for future reference. The notes will also be visible when you hover over the  badge in the TTR.



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