TTR Code Definitions and References

TTR Code Definitions and References

The excerpts referenced from the SFU/SFUA Collective Agreement (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022) are intended to help you find the relevant information in the Collective Agreement. Please refer to the full Collective Agreement on the Faculty Relations website https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/collectiveagreement.html .

For step-by-step instruction on how to use these codes, please go to our Training Modules under Faculty Workload Management: Teaching Patterns (TTR)

NT(1-in-6) for Lecturer 

1-in-6 is used to track when the Lecturer plans to take one semester off for at least every six semesters. The Lecturer still must complete full teaching duties in pattern.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

35.77.2 A Lecturer is entitled to have their workload configured so that no teaching duties are assigned at least one semester in six. There is, however, no reduction in the normal annual teaching load.



The teaching codes are used to indicate the planned teaching workload and calculate study leave service years. Each teaching or research term is worth 0.33 study leave service years (1 year/3 semesters). The planned teaching workload in a year should add up to the standard workload as specified in the Collective Agreement or determined by the Chair. 

  • - No teaching is planned in teaching term

  • - Planned teaching workload to be assigned to the term is 1

  • - Planned teaching workload to be assigned to the term is 2

  • - Planned teaching workload to be assigned to the term is 3

  • - Planned teaching workload to be assigned to the term is 4


SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement


27.14 The Chair will inform faculty members in writing whether they will be on teaching or research in the forthcoming semester(s) and the particular courses that they have been assigned. Normally, faculty members will be expected to maintain the ratio of two teaching semesters to one research semester.

27.5 The normal teaching load for a research faculty member is four courses (or their equivalent) annually.


See full SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement for more details on workload for Teaching Faculty: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/collectiveagreement.html


Each research term is worth 0.33 study leave service years.

  • - Planned research term for Research Faculty

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Pattern Even 

This pattern element is crucial in calculating the standard teaching workload over three terms because it adds in a new workload amount for each pattern year. The workload injected by the Pattern Even is equivalent to their teaching load requirements within their pattern year which is based on the instructor's rank (e.g. Research Faculty = 4, Teaching Faculty = 8). This workload value number is displayed next to the Pattern Even line. Any workload reduction or course assignment will affect this workload value by reducing it as courses or reductions are assigned. The purpose of this value is to serve as an indicator of whether the workload has been met. A number will display until the pattern is balanced (when a person has met their teaching duty within their academic year). When it reaches 0 or 'even', the number disappears. If they exceed the workload for that pattern year, a negative value will begin to show and this is an alert to determine if an overload contract is needed or if pattern not even should be used instead (see below).


Research Faculty: Pattern Even number will display 4

Teaching Faculty: Pattern Even number will display 8

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement



See full SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement for more details on workload for Teaching Faculty: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/collectiveagreement.html

Pattern Not Even   

Pattern Not Even is used when a faculty member has not fulfilled their teaching duty within their academic year. The Pattern Not Even provides a marker to replace the original Pattern Even so that the count of the workload does not reset and adds on to to the previous Pattern Even. This can be used in cases of both unfulfilled workload or when workload is exceeded and a carryforward to the next pattern is required.

E.g. Research Faculty member only fulfilled 50% of their workload in 2019-2020. When the Pattern Not Even is inserted in new academic calendar year, the original Pattern Even will be replaced with a balance of 6. Calculation: 

  • 4 (standard workload for new calendar year) + 2 (remainder of the 50% unfulfilled from previous pattern)



Some funding agencies provide salary replacement funds to protect research time and "buy out" teaching responsibilities. A faculty member normally may not buy out more than one course in any academic year, and buy-outs require the approval of the department chair and faculty dean.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Course Equivalency 

Faculty member may supervise or carry out other teaching responsibilities that count as part of their teaching workload. This work may be counted as a Course Equivalency and count towards fulfilling their standard teaching workload. 

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Course Release 


Course releases are sometimes given at the beginning of an appointment or for special administrative duties (e.g. Associate Dean, TPC Chair, Special Professorship, Area Coordinator, Academic Directors). These course releases are then taken throughout their appointment to reduce teaching duties by 1/2 of their standard teaching workload. Course releases appear in a 'bank' so that Faculty members can use them during or beyond the end of their appointment.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

1-in-9 for Teaching Faculty 

1-in-9 used to track when a Teaching Faculty member takes an earned one semester off out of their nine teaching terms. Their workload is reduced based on the planned number of courses in the 1-in-9 non-teaching semester (e.g. T(3) - 3 less courses to teach). Faculty members may keep accumulating 1 in 9 credits if they do not take a semester off after nine teaching terms. The system will calculate and show at the top of the profile the total credits earned towards 1-in-9 and must be 'taken' according to that balance. 

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement


1-in-16 for Senior Lecturer 

For Senior Lecturers, one course equivalent in 16 terms will be reduced from the standard annual teaching workload.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

1-in-8 for University Lecturer 

For University Lecturers, one course equivalent in 8 terms will be reduced from the standard annual teaching workload.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Admin Appointment 


Faculty members may be appointed as Department Chairs and School Directors in addition to their teaching duties.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Study Leave 


For every one year of service, faculty members earn 1 study leave service year which means each teaching or research semester is worth 0.33 years of service. Faculty members need to earn a certain amount of study leave service years according to the Collective Agreement to earn a Study Leave.

The purpose of Study Leave is to provide Members with an extended period of time to engage in scholarship or complete a project or course of study that will enhance and increase their knowledge and expertise so as to enhance their professional abilities.

After the Study Leave has been approved, the number of service years used up will be automatically be subtracted from Total Study Leave Service Year in the TTR summary card.


For more information on leaves, Faculty Relation's website: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/leaves.html

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Parental Leave 


A 1-year (three semesters) parental leave will be counted as 1 year of service. This means that for every semester an approved parental leave is taken, 0.33 will be added to the Total Study Leave Service Years. 


For more information on leaves, Faculty Relation's website: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/leaves.html

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement


Admin (Research) Leave 

Admin (Research) leaves are given to Department Chairs and School Directors after they have completed their term. The Admin Leaves may be taken immediately or accrued over a period of time (e.g. service combined with another admin appointment). 


For more information on leaves, Faculty Relation's website: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/leaves.html

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement


Sick or Other Leave 


Leave can be used for full-time leave due to medical or other reasons. Specify in the notes section. If leave begins in the middle of a semester, use the Modified Appointment (MA) code to calculate the study leave service years earned for the partial workload completed (see next section). In the TTR transaction table, unhide the Start and End date columns to specify the exact date when the leave begins.


For more information on leaves, Faculty Relation's website: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/leaves.html

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement


Personal Leave 


Faculty members may request a personal leave (leave of absence) without pay. This must be approved by the Chairs and the Process Status in the TTR transaction table can be used to track if the application has been approved.


For more information on leaves, visit Faculty Relation's website: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/leaves.html

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Modified Appointments 


Modified appointment can be used to track:

  • Part-time Appointments (Temporary Part-Time)

  • Part-time Sick Leaves (Medical Reasons)

In a modified appointment, instructors can still earn a portion of the study leave service years for the partial workload completed. For example, faculty member suddenly is unable to complete duties due to medical reasons, but has already completed 50% of his teaching duties for this semester. The modified appointment code will reward him with 50% of the standard study leave service year credit earned per semester.

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Phased Retirement 

Eligible Continuing Faculty members are able to apply for Phased Retirement to help reduce their workload or their responsibilities in the last few years before they retire. It is important to plan out the standard teaching pattern in the TTR ('s and 's) before inserting the Phase Retirement code so that the reduced workload can be calculated. 


For more information on Phased Retirement options, visit Faculty Relation's website: https://www.sfu.ca/faculty-relations/leaving-sfu/retirement.html

Phased Retirement Form: http://www.sfu.ca/content/dam/sfu/faculty-relations/leaving-sfu/Phased%20Retirement%20Notice-Acknowledgement%20Form-fixes.pdf



Example of Phased Retirement entry into TTR:

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement



Opening Study Leave Credits 

Applying the opening study leave credits will provide administrators the option to award a study leave service year under special circumstances (e.g. negotiated contracts). The transaction value awarded is determined on a case-by-case basis. 

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement

Retired or Resigned Line 

Indicates when a person has retired or resigned and shows in Red. Person should have completed any workload owing before this line. 


Maximum Study Leave Increase Code (MX) & Total Study Leave Service Years

Up to two years of service carried forward in addition to the six study service years earned means that the instructor may accumulate a max total of 8 study service years. The Total Study Leave Service Years amount on the TTR summary card will stop counting when the value reaches 8.


In some exceptions where members are unable to take a study leave due to special circumstances (e.g. COVID-19), the Maximum Study Leave Increase (MX) code will allow you to adjust the maximum allowable Total Study Leave Years accumulated for a defined period of time. 

SFU/SFUFA Collective Agreement