Setting Up Letter Templates

Setting Up Letter Templates


This page is where we configure the offer letter template the candidate will receive in the acceptance portal. The template here will be generated into each contract. As with all set-ups, the letter template can be individually customized later on, but here is where we set up the default template. 

New users to this module will see a “SI Contract Offer Template for New Hire” and “SI Contract Offer Template for Rehire” for SFU listed in the results table already. These two templates cannot be edited and are for reference when building your own templates. You may copy and paste the letter body of this example into the letter body you create. Note: you must copy the table in the beginning of the SFU letter template into your department’s template. You may edit which columns you want in your letter, but this table is required.

Returning users will already see the templates they previously set up. You may choose to click into the templates to edit them or proceed to the next step.

How to Navigate the Letter Templates


The filter contains five fields: Faculties, Schools/Departments/Programs, Ranks, Hiring Types, and Record Statuses. Faculties is pre-set according to the user. One or more options may be selected for Schools/Departments/Programs. Ranks is only Sessional Instructors. Hiring Types can be either or both New Hire and Rehire. Record Statuses is pre-set to Active, but you can also add Past for this field. 

Results Table

The results table shows templates that have been made in the past. The columns include Letter Template Name, Academic Unit, Rank, Hiring Type, Default, Effective Date, End Date, and Record Status. Academic Unit and End Date are optional fields. Default refers to whether the template will automatically generate onto contracts. There cannot be more than one active template with Default set to 'Yes' with the same Academic Unit, Rank, and Hiring Type. Effective Date and End Date are when the template is active and can be used in contracts. You can hide columns by clicking on the column button on the top right of the table. The letter template details can be seen by clicking on the template name. The letter details includes template metadata and letter details. If you would like to make any changes, click  on the top right. If you would like to delete the letter template, click , which is above the edit button.

Adding Templates

Clicking  will open up the creation modal. You will need one template for each Hire Type, even if the content for each may be the same.

If you’re copying the SFU letter template, please read through the letter body to replace any generic titles with your department’s appropriate contact name. Remember, you must keep the table in your template.

Once a template has been created, you can edit the existing template for future usage by clicking the hyperlink. As long as there is no End Date entered for the template, it will continue to be used by the system.

New edits in the template will apply to any contracts generated thereafter. Older contracts will not be affected. 

How to Find the Letter Templates

  • Head to the menu drop down under Contract Mgmt > Temporary Instructor Management

  • Select Letter Templates