Setting Up Attachments and Weblinks

Setting Up Attachments and Weblinks


Attachments are files that will go out as an attachment in the offer email to the candidate. Weblinks are hyperlinks to webpages or pdfs that will be enclosed in the letter the candidate will receive in the acceptance portal. 

A department may customize what attachments or weblinks they want to go out with the email or letter. All general new hire documents (tax forms, personal data forms, etc.) have weblink versions, so you may set up only weblinks and no attachments or vice versa. 

At this point in time, all initial attachments and weblinks set up is done by eTRACS. Please contact eTRACS to add/update attachments or weblinks. You can view what is already set up for your department in this page.

How to Navigate the Attachments and Weblinks


The filter has fields for Faculties, Schools/Departments/Programs, Ranks, Hiring Types, and Record Statuses. Faculties will be pre-set according to the user. One or more options may be selected for Schools/Departments/Programs. The only option for Ranks is Sessional Instructors. Hiring Types can be set to New Hire, Rehire, or all. Record Statuses is set to Active by default, but Past can also selected in this field.

Results Table

The results table contains existing attachments and weblinks made in the past. The columns are Schools/Departments/Programs, Ranks, Hiring Type, File/Weblink Name, Start Date, End Date, Notes, and Actions. You can click File/Weblink Name to view the file or weblink. The Start Date and End Date indicate the time during which the record is active and can be used in emails and letters. Actions allows you to edit or delete the record. Click  to change the Start Date, End Date, and/or Notes for the record. Click  to delete the record. The columns button on the top right of the table can be selected to hide columns in the table. 

How to Use the Attachments and Weblinks

  1. Select .

  2. Fill in Rank and Hiring Type on the modal.

  3. Click .

  4. Click beside the attachment or weblink that you desire and then complete the Academic Unit, Return Required, Start Date, End Date, and Notes fields.

  5. Repeat Step 4 as many times as necessary.

  6. Click .

How to Find the Attachments and Weblinks

  • Head to the menu drop down under Contract Mgmt > Temporary Instructor Management

  • Select Attachments and Weblinks