Understanding the SI Contract Workflow

Understanding the SI Contract Workflow


The Temporary Instructor Management dashboard encompasses all the pages needed to process a contract for Sessional Instructors. The Temporary Instructor Management module requires the Stakeholder Profile of the candidate and the Course Offering to be created before a contract can be generated. For candidates who are new hires, please ask your department manager or Dean's Office to add the candidate as a new stakeholder to eTRACS. You will need to provide them with the Candidate's legal first name, last name, and email address. 

The purpose of this module is to set up candidate contract offers, review the contracts, send those offers out, receive the candidate's response, and export the contract documents Payroll requires. Each department/program is able to customize their workflow based on when each of the mentioned steps are completed in their usual workflow.

User Roles

When requesting access, each user will also be assigned a role specific to this module. Each role has their own set of transitions available to them, and this workflow of transitions is completely customizable at the departmental level. Each role will complete different transitions at different points in this workflow.

There are currently four types of roles for users in this module:

  1. SI Process Handler – this is someone whose main purpose is reviewing and editing the contract, sending out the offer, and submitting the contract to payroll

  2. Department Approver – this is someone whose main purpose is only to come into the contract to sign off on the TSSU Payroll Form as the department or program manager approver

  3. Dean’s Office Approver – this is someone whose main purpose is only to come into the contract to sign off on the TSSU Payroll Form as the faculty approver

  4. Academic Approver – this is someone whose main purpose is to review the contract and informally approve the contract without a sign-off

Not every department or program will use all of the above roles. However, every department will have at least a SI Process Handler and a Department Approver. Sometimes, both roles may be given to the same person (i.e. the MAAS of a department) and only this person does any work in this module. 

How to Navigate to Temporary Instructor Management

  • Navigate to the menu drop down under Contract Mgmt

  • Select Temporary Instructor Management