Planning Dates Management

Planning Dates Management


The Planning Dates Management page is for setting up lock dates for instructor changes, important term dates and scheduling dates for triggered events. The lock dates are set up by both eTRACS Administrators and select users in the Faculty. While eTRACS Administrators are responsible for setting up term dates that are aligned with goSFU dates, Faculties/Departments can set up their own lock dates. The dates set up in the Planning Dates Management page affects the course planning and scheduling process.


In the following section, you will learn how to do the following:

  • Understand the components that make up the Planning Dates Management

  • Understand what the lock dates do

  • How to set up lock dates

How to Navigate the Planning Dates Management


The filter contains three fields: Terms, Faculties, and Schools/Departments/Programs. Term will be pre-set to the current period. Faculties will be pre-set according to the user. While Schools/Departments/Programs is optional, you can use it to narrow down the results.





Specifies the term that will appear in the search results. By default, the term will display the current semester.



Displays all courses that are attached to faculty as a primary or non-primary academic unit. If you do not see a particular course filtered under an academic unit, you may need to speak to the Course Manager to ensure if the course profile is attached to the correct academic unit.

Search Results

The search results show the lock dates set up on the department, faculty, and university level. Department and faculty lock dates are optional and cannot be later than on the university level. The lock dates are appear from earliest to latest in scheduling dates. Please refer below to learn more about lock dates:


Lock Date


Who Sets It

eTRACS Course Planner (6SP) Term Lock Date

Lockdown date for Managers and Academic Administrators to make course planning updates in the Course Planner for the course to be offered in the term.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level

  • Users with the appropriate permissions can optionally set it on the Department and Faculty level. This can be helpful for preventing anyone from making changes while the Course Planning team is working on it

eTRACS Course Scheduler Term Lock Date

Lockdown date for Managers and Academic Administrators to make course scheduling updates in the Course Scheduler for the course to be offered in the term.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level

  • Users with the appropriate permissions can optionally set it on the Department and Faculty level. This can be helpful for preventing anyone from making changes while undergoing the approval process

goSFU CTBO Opening Date

Access to begin publishing course offerings to goSFU opens in eTRACS.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level.

goSFU Scheduling Opening Date

Access to begin publishing meeting patterns and schedules to goSFU opens in eTRACS.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level.

goSFU Extended Publishing Deadline

The final date for publishing course offerings and schedules to goSFU for a given term. After this deadline, any changes must be coordinated through Central Scheduling. Following this date, users will only have access in eTRACS to update and publish Instructors, Class Notes, Enrollment Control, and Reserve Capacity.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level.

goSFU Enrollment Control Lock Date

Access to update enrollment and reserve capacity data after the SIMS Scheduling General Access Deadline.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level.

goSFU Add/Change Class Notes Deadline

The final date for publishing course notes to goSFU for a given term. After this deadline, any changes must be coordinated through Central Scheduling.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level.

goSFU Instructor Publishing Deadline

The final date for publishing instructors and grade approvers to goSFU for a given term. After this deadline, any changes must be coordinated through Central Scheduling.

  • eTRACS Administrators set it on the University level.

Course Planning and Scheduling Timeline

The diagram below shows how lock dates affect your ability to publish course data to goSFU. If you need to make a change, please contact the Central Schedules Team.



How to Use the Planning Dates Management

Add Dates

  1. On the top right of the search results, click .

  2. Fill in the Faculty, Date Type, and Date fields in the modal. It is optional to select an option in the School/Department/Program field. 

  3. If necessary, select  to add another faculty or department level lock date.

  4. Click  .

Edit Dates

  1. On the right of a faculty or department level lock date row, click .

  2. Adjust field(s) in the modal.

  3. Click .

Delete Dates

  1. On the right of a faculty or department level lock date row, click .

  2. Click  in the modal.

  3. Click  to confirm that you want to delete the date.


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