Understanding Stakeholder Teaching Details

Understanding Stakeholder Teaching Details

Courses Taught Panel

The Courses Taught panel provides a summary of all past, current, and future course offerings attached to an instructor. This is especially useful for course planning as both the course planner and instructor can review course assignments. Additional information on each course offering can be found by clicking on the Course Offering Title. 

  1. Navigate to the stakeholder's profile 

  2. Click on the Teaching Details tab

  3. Click on Courses Taught panel to expand it 

  4. To view course offering details, click on the Course Offering Title link


How to Filter Courses Taught View

You can filter the Courses Taught table by hovering on any of the six headers. Simply click on the Ξ icon that appears on the right side of the header and choose the second tab to select appropriate filters. For example, to only view lectures taught by an instructor, deselect all the components types except for Lecture in the Component Type heading filter.

How do Course Offerings get Added to the Courses Taught Panel?

The course offerings are displayed in the Courses Taught panel when an instructor is attached to a course offering. Course offerings are assigned to instructors through the Course Planner. 

In the case where course assignment is found to be incorrect, please contact the course manager responsible for the Course Planner.