Learning About Stakeholder Management

Learning About Stakeholder Management

What are 'Stakeholders'?

A 'Stakeholder', as defined in eTRACS, includes all faculty, staff, and individuals associated with the Faculties. They represent people who are both internal and external to the University. Internal stakeholders are people who are employed by or are committed to serving SFU as staff, faculty, teaching assistants, board members, volunteers, associates, etc.  External stakeholders might be people who are impacted by our work as clients/constituents, community partners, coaches, and others whom may have profiles for maintaining contact information, if needed. Additionally, stakeholders can also be an entity, such as a sponsored account stakeholder, or a placeholder for a person (ie. TBA, TSSU Appointed) to be utilized in course planning or other operational processes.

What is Stakeholder Management?

Stakeholder management is the creation, modification and use of stakeholder data in eTRACS. Managing stakeholders is an important foundational process that keeps people up to date in the system so that other users can be assured that when they need the data for a person, that it will be accurate and up to date. There are both manual and automated processes to update and manage the stakeholder data. As with any system, it requires people to keep things up to date, append additional data for operational use and to ensure incorrect data is identified and fixed. People experts in each faculty are important to keep faculty processes running smoothly and to ensure higher level and strategic reports for our VPs and Finance officers are accurate and trusted.

Who is Responsible for Managing Stakeholders?

In each faculty or department, it is important to identify the people who will be doing the job of managing stakeholders in eTRACS. Each faculty or department may choose to assign these roles to different levels of Directors, Managers, Program Assistants or Secretaries. What is important is to make sure each person knows their responsibilities so that the process is smooth and coordinated with all of the processes that rely on accurate and up-to-date stakeholder profiles. This is an important role and the person responsible must be aware of personal privacy as they will have access to create and add ranks to stakeholders.

When Do I Start Managing Stakeholders for my Faculty in eTRACS?

You can start using and managing your stakeholders in eTRACS today! If you find any missing information or any discrepancies that you cannot edit, please contact the eTRACS Team and let us know! 

How to Make it Work for You?

There are many functions that eTRACS provides to allow you to customize how the data can work for you in your day to day work. For instance, a Receptionist might want to print a term by term Instructor phone list, but a Budget Manager might want to generate that same list but with salaries instead of phone numbers. eTRACS captures and creates the data you need and allows you the flexibility to decide how to use it according to your job. Integration means that the data from enterprise systems is more readily available for the operational management of faculties and departments. What are some of the customizable features for you?

  • Filters - all pages have filters which allow you to find people, courses and other data according to your own academic unit or units that you manage.

  • Results - results are summaries from your chosen filters and show you the number of records found as well as the data fields in an 'excel table-like' format. You can post-filter that data further if you need to narrow your results and many pages also offer an excel export of columns that you specify.

  • Exports - are available on most search pages and align with your filtered data. You can further customize your exports by adding/removing columns from the 'Columns' sidebar.

  • Worksheets - are in-line editing sets of data, much like excel, where you can quickly complete work in 'batches'.


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