SETC User Manual

SETC User Manual


SETC is a module that allows course schedulers to manage a list of courses that requires student evaluation. 

  • Interface for administrators to select courses/sections to be evaluated
  • Group course offering sections into a single course evaluation instance 
  • Automatically calculate evaluation start and end dates

The SETC framework is comprised of the following tabs: 

  • Dashboard 
  • Course Profiles Evaluation Set Up
  • Course Offerings Evaluation Set Up
  • Evaluation Instances 

SETC Decision Tree (see below for more descriptive context)

Step 1: Course Offerings to Review 

This step is used to review and mark courses offerings that requires student evaluation. Course offering Once evaluations are marked 'Ready for Import', the course offering records will be made available in the Evaluation Instances page for review.

  1. Select the term. Your academic units will be pre-selected.
  2. Click  to generate a full list of course offerings.
  3. Click the checkboxes to select course offerings that are to be evaluated. If you want to bulk select all course offerings displayed in the list, click the topmost checkbox in the column header.
  4. Once you have reviewed your selected course offerings, click on to set the Evaluation Status as 'Evaluated'.  

To change a course offering back to 'Not Evaluated', select checkboxes and click.

Course Offering Evaluation Set Up Tab

The buttons I have displayed are just placeholders! It may be different to what Vivian has designed in the mockups.

  1. Review the course offerings you have selected, and click . The Evaluation Set Up Status of selected course offerings will change to 'Ready for Import'. 

  2. For course offerings that are to be excluded from the SETC process, check off applicable course offerings, and click . This will automatically change the Evaluation set Up Status to 'Not Evaluated'.
  3. Proceed to Evaluation Instances Tab to review course offerings and their instructors before importing. 

Evaluation Instances Tab

Course Offering Ready for Import

This section will allow you to modify the evaluation type of the evaluation instance for an instructor. This is useful for when you want to exclude specific instructors from course evaluations if required. Another case would be if the course offering is meant to be evaluated, but the actual enrollment is very low. The four options available are: SETC, Paper, Other, N/A. 

  1. To change Evaluation Type for multiple instances, click the check boxes for all the applicable course offerings. 
  2. Click on Set Evaluation Type > choose the evaluation type option.
  3. For instances set to SETC, the user will be able to import/create the instance. This instance will have a default status to 'Under Review'. Please note that this 'Under Review' status is in the setc_instances_has_statuses different from the setc_crs_offering_evaluation_has_statuses which remains 'Locked'. 
  4. The imported instance will now appear in the table below (Instructor Evaluation Instances). Given that the freeze date has not passed, the user will then be able to modify following dates:
    1. Freeze dates 
    2. Evaluation Start Date
    3. Evaluation End Date
    4. Instructor Question Selection Start Date
    5. Instructor Question Selection End Date

Recording #5.mp4


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