This is a framework of processes, files and file groups that may appear under each identified section. Note that not all sections or subsections will appear for every faculty member. Each person has a unique personnel file that can be constructed using components of these sections in order to capture their journey at SFU.
Full list of Document Types in this framework can be downloaded here! (the formatting may be distorted if previewing online, please download the file instead)
Recruitment & Appointments
- Continuing Appointment
- Non-continuing Appointment
- Visiting Scholar / Scientist Appointments
- Adjunct & Associate Member Appointments
- Term Practitioner
- Professorships (moved from RTP)
- Retention Awards (moved from RTP)
- Chairs (including CRC) (should separate CRC from Chair?)
- Librarian and Archivist
Competition Files
CY competition completed + 1 year
NEW Retention Schedule
CY employee terminates + 7 years
- Overload Teaching Contract
- Buyout Documentation
- Course Release Documentation
- Modified Appointment (? where does this belong)
- Project Supervision Documentation
NEW Retention Schedule
CY employee terminates + 7 years
Biennial Salary Review & Annual Reporting
NEW Retention Schedule
CY employee terminates + 7 years
Renewal, Tenure & Promotion (RTP)
CY final decision concluded + 1 year
CY application decision concluded + 1 year (Question: Should this be one year after leave concluded?)
Grants & External Contracts (including Endowed Fellowships)
NEW Retention Schedule
CY employee terminates + 7 years
Awards & Recognition
- Faculty Teaching Fellows (? this belong here or appts?)
- Internal Faculty or Department Awards
- Awards for Teaching
- Awards for Research
- Publicity
NEW Retention Schedule
CY employee terminates + 7 years
NEW Retention Schedule
CY employee terminates + 7 years