- Recommendation for Appointment Form
- New Position Request Form
- Dean's Appointment Recommendation
- Chair's/Director's appointment recommendation (or Search Committee Chair)
- Formal recommendation from TPC on the granting of tenure, with reasons (if applicable)
- Copy of "Provisional Offer" (if applicable)
- Non-advertised Positions - Request for Approval Form (if applicable)
- Funding agreement (if external funding)
- Candidate application (CV, application letter, research and teaching statements)
- Reference letters - a minimum of 3 letters
- Non-original signature written confirmation (if applicable)
- Proof of Highest Degree (required for new hire)
- Copy of most recent Permanent Residence card (if appointee is a Canadian Permanent Resident) or Work Permit/SIN (if applicable)
- Copy of advertisement(s) and documentation of distribution/length of posting (where search is involved)
- Application documents received from short-listed candidates (where search is involved)
- Documentation (e.g. a spreadsheet) of why each Canadian/PR did not meet the advertised requirements (where search is involved and if applicable)
Teaching and Research Faculty Appointments Case
1996-004 Personnel Files: Academic Employees (Continuing)
CY employment terminated + 60 years
Documents Retained in Personnel File (see RRSDA 1996-004)
- Recommendation for Appointment Form
- New Position Request Form
- Dean's Appointment Recommendation
- Chair's/Director's appointment recommendation (or Search Committee Chair)
- Formal recommendation from TPC on the granting of tenure, with reasons (if applicable)
- Copy of "Provisional Offer" (if applicable)
- Non-advertised Positions - Request for Approval Form (if applicable)
- Funding agreement (if external funding)
- Candidate application (CV, application letter, research and teaching statements)
- Reference letters - a minimum of 3 letters
- Non-original signature written confirmation (if applicable)
- Proof of Highest Degree (required for new hire)
- Copy of most recent Permanent Residence card (if appointee is a Canadian Permanent Resident) or Work Permit/SIN (if applicable)
- Copy of advertisement(s) and documentation of distribution/length of posting (where search is involved)
- Application documents received from short-listed candidates (where search is involved)
- Documentation (e.g. a spreadsheet) of why each Canadian/PR did not meet the advertised requirements (where search is involved and if applicable)
Documents Destroyed at end of Retention Period“Continuing Appointments” refers to all tenured, tenure track or continuing positions of Instructor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Laboratory Instructor, Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, or University Lecturer. It normally happens when a faculty member first gains a continuing teaching appointment with SFU.
You can create any custom folder underneath if applicable
Examples for tenure track and teaching faculty
(Custom Folder) Tenure Track Faculty Appointment