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Contract Renewal normally happens only once during a continuing faculty member's appointment. The folder should be labelled with the year of the renewal. For example:

Image Added Contract Renewal 2019-2020

titleRRSDA Reference

1999-019 – Renewal, Tenure, Promotion and Salary Review Files

Normal Retention


: CY final decision concluded + 1 year


This is a checklist of potential documents created during the Contract Renewal process. 

*added from checklist from FR

Documents ChecklistDocument RetentionDocument Type in eTRACSOffice of Responsibility (security)

Board of Governors Final Approval/President’s Letter (June 30)

  •  Final Approval of Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
2Any amendment of contract renewal letterRetained
  •  Amendment of Contract Renewal Letter
VPA (& all below)

Dean’s recommendation letter (February 15)

Note: assume Copy of recommendation to faculty member is the same document 

  •  Recommendation Letter for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
4*Additional materials considered by Dean (if applicable)Retained
  •  Additional materials considered for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
5TPC recommendation letter (with vote) (January 15)Retained (Confirmed by FoE)
  •  Recommendation Letter for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)

TPC recommendation letter (no vote) (January 15)

Note: assume Copy of recommendation to faculty member is the same document 

  •  Recommendation Letter for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
7*Additional materials considered by TPC after draft assessmentRetained
  •  Additional materials considered after draft assessment for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
8*Faculty member’s response to draft assessment (if applicable)Retained
  •  Response to Draft Assessment Letter for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)

TPC draft assessment letter (December 1)

  •  Draft Assessment Letter for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
10Additional information from Faculty member in response to any recommendationRetained
  •  Additional Information response to any recommendation
VPA (& all below)
11Materials and timeline notifications (August 30 & May 1)Retained
  •  Materials and timeline notifications
VPA (& all below)

*Letter from Chair notifying faculty member they are being considered (if applicable)

(this has moved to e-mail notification, which is printed and/or saved as a PDF)

  •  Notification Letter for Contract Renewal Consideration
VPA (& all below)
13Candidate CVDestroyed (CY final decision concluded + 1 year)
  •  CV
VPA (& all below)
14Candidate written application (May 1)Retained
  •  Application for Contract Renewal
VPA (& all below)
15Departmental Criteria and StandardsRetained
  •  Departmental Criteria and Standards
VPA (& all below) / Not required by FR
16Any appeal documentation (ie. candidate letters, candidate appeal information, FRC recommendations)

Destruction Date



Documents Destroyed at end of Retention Period

Includes working records with no further administrative value after the tenure/promotion cycle.


  •  Any Appeal Documentation

VPA ( & all above) except final recommendation is copied to Faculty

17Statements for research, teaching, serviceDestroyed (CY final decision concluded + 1 year)
  •  Research and Teaching Statements
VPA (& all below)
18Publications, research in progressDestroyed (CY final decision concluded + 1 year)
  •  Publications or Research in Progress
VPA (& all below)
19Other information – percentage of contribution, citation count, ranking/quality of journals, special teaching preparation, committee/administrative responsibilities, letters of support for teaching/researchDestroyed (CY final decision concluded + 1 year)
  •  Supplementary Information
VPA (& all below)
20Teaching information including detailed teaching evaluations prepared by students, teaching load and exam/assignment information, summaries of teaching survey and grade distributions.Destroyed (CY final decision concluded + 1 year)
  •  Summary of Teaching Information
VPA (& all below)
21Any voting information


(not stored in individual case files)Destroyed (CY final decision concluded + 1 year)
  •  Detailed Vote Information
VPA (& all below) - excluding candidate