Tenure and/or Promotion Case
RRSDA | 1999-019 – Renewal, Tenure, Promotion and Salary Review Files |
Retention | CY final decision concluded + 1 year |
Name |
Year |
Documents Retained in Personnel File (see RRSDA 1996-004)
- Board of Governors Final Approval/President’s Letter (June 30)
- Dean’s recommendation letter including salary step (February 15)
- TPC recommendation letter including salary step (January 15)
- TPC draft assessment letter (December 1)
- Additional information from Faculty member in response to any recommendation
- Materials and timeline notifications (August 30 & May 1)
- Written application request for review (May 1)
- Written application for early tenure & promotion (if applicable) (April 15)
- Dean’s written approval for early tenure and promotion
- Any appeal documentation
Destruction |
Documents Destroyed at end of Retention Period