FR naming convention: Lastname_Firstname_ApptType_DocType_Dept Dept/Faculty (Any other suggestion?)
Document Questions
- Are there any difference in the required documents between paid and unpaid visiting faculties? These types of appointments falling under A12.04 are always paid at FAS as they are here doing both independent research and teaching. Unpaid appointments are typically Visiting Researchers/Scholars/Scientists who are on sabbatical from their home institutions and are just here to collaborate on research.
- Are any of the documents above mandatory for Visiting Faculties appointments such that we can ensure the personnel file's completeness? How long should CV's be kept?
- Who in the department or Dean's office will be responsible for ensuring the files completeness? depends on the department, in FAS, the Academic Relations Advisor
Access Control Questions
- Will there be any centralized control over folder trees or will this be driven entirely by the original owner/creator?
- If a Visiting Faculty is a former employee in another department, should all documents from previous employment be visible to the new department?
- Who can see these documents? Can outside faculties see these documents too? - aside from those listed in above table, no one should have access to these documents. Not shared across faculties. No conversion or business need. No collective agreement. No influence. No inheritance or transfer of file access if they get appointed as a continuing faculty across depts/faculties.
- Who should have access to these documents - either during the process or after it is concluded and someone is hired? Would they have different roles during the process? - indicated in table, and answered by above questions?
Office of Primary Responsibility
- Vice President AcademicDean (or Dean's Office) - decision
- FR notified for audit and payroll processing
File Manager/Responsibility for Records
- Department or Program are responsible for the files Dean's Office (uploading files in process, digitalizaion of historical process files, ensuring completeness of the process file)