- Are there any documents missing in the list? SIN letter for non-Canadian (FoE).
- Do SI's ever receive appointment letters in addition to the forms? Only offer letter. No appointment letter. (FoE) (FASS CWoo: Each department is different, but in remote environment, offers are issued as email.)
- Are any of the documents above mandatory for SI appointments such that we can ensure the personnel file's completeness? CV. Offer letter. Appointment form. (FoE). How long should CV's be kept? CY of last employment contract + 7 years as in 1999-045 Retention scheduling. (FoE).
- Who in the department or Dean's office will be responsible for ensuring the files completeness? Undergraduate Programs (FoE).
- Should unsuccessful application information be treated differently than successful candidates information? Yes (FoE).
- What are the requirements to keep these? e.g. legal requirement? base on experience? request from Dean or any other people? Base on legal requirement and University record retention schedules. (FoE).
- Any other business cases to justify the retention period of the documents e.g. how long it has to be kept? Unknown. If a Sessional Instructor is hired for a long period of time, TSSU Collective Agreement requires the faculty to offer Limited Term Lecturer position (Faculty Association position). Record retention schedule for Personnel Files: Academic Employees (Non-Continuing) 1994-002 is under review. (FoE)
- Who else hires SI's that may not be in a Faculty? (ie. Library, Lifelong Learning, CEE?)
- Who can see these documents? If the SI is in FoE, can FASS can see these documents too? Undergraduate Programs (FoE).
- Will all documents under this section be shared or limited to the appointment form and letter? We would appreciate hearing from other departments/faculties as to the benefits of sharing documents (FoE).
- Who should have access to these documents - either during the process or after it is concluded and someone is hired? Would they have different roles during the process? Undergraduate Programs does everything from advertising the positions to appointments being made for undergraduate courses. Payroll needs the appointment form, Assignment of Wages form, Personal Data Forms, void cheque, TD1 and TD1BC for payment. After all appointments are made, TSSU needs copies of Assignment of Wages Form and appointment form. (FoE)
Access Control Questions
- Will there be any centralized control over folder trees or will this be driven entirely by the original owner/creator?
- If an SI becomes a TL or continuing Faculty who retains access over the original SI appointments? The original department or the new department? How will new ownership be assigned?
- How will data structure (folders and files) be maintained over time as stakeholder positions at SFU change?
Retention Questions
- If someone (e.g. SI or term faculty) has been inactive at SFU for a period long enough for their documents to have exceeded the RRSDA for that category, and then comes back to SFU in the same or a different capacity, will those documents be accessible/reactivated?