Versions Compared


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titleRRSDA Reference

1996-004 Personnel Files: Academic Employees (Continuing)

Normal Retention: CY employment terminated + 60 years


1999-019 – Renewal, Tenure, Promotion and Salary Review Files


CY final decision concluded + 1 year








Documents Retained in Personnel File (see RRSDA 1996-004)

See Retention Fund procedures, approved by the VP Academic, April 2002.


Retained in Personnel File


Document Retention

Document Type

Office of Responsibility (for viewing)

Letter from Vice-President Academic with final decision (July 1)


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Dean's Recommendation Letter for retention award (May 1)


CY employment terminated + 60 years

TPC's Recommendation Letter for retention award (March 1)


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Additional information from Faculty member in response to any recommendation


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Letter from TPC Chair regarding materials and timeline (January 15)


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Initial application/nomination letter from the Dean or faculty member for retention award (December 15)


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Any appeal documentation


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Retention award start date Email 

Faculty member continued to receive retention award despite it expiring. Start date changed to not trigger retroactive payments




Documents Destroyed at end of Retention Period

Includes working records with no further administrative value after case review.  Keep these documents in a separate/complete file (with copies of documents listed above that will be retained) with a destruction date clearly noted on file.


CY employment terminated + 60 years

Statements of research, teaching and serviceCY final decision concluded + 1 year

Curriculum VitaeCY final decision concluded + 1 year

Publications, research in progressCY final decision concluded + 1 year

Teaching evaluation summaryCY final decision concluded + 1 year

Other information as requested by the TPC or provided by the candidateCY final decision concluded + 1 year

Information from other nominees/unsuccessful candidatesCY final decision concluded + 1 year


  • No RRSDA specifically mentions Retention Fund Awards – used 1999-019 as the information collected is similar – okay as per Paul Hebbard – Records Management (October 4, 2007)
  • The TPC may request additional information if they feel it is necessary for making a recommendation